Maecenas Platform Integrates with Binance Chain


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Singapore, Singapore - 4 July 2019 - Maecenas revealed today its integration with one of the biggest contributors to the crypto-currency space - Binance.

As part of this integration, Maecenas will adopt Binance Chain for a portion of its ERC-20 native ART token, migrating them to the BEP-2 protocol. Once the initial issuance is complete, Maecenas will submit a listing proposal for Binance's new decentralised exchange.

Pioneering the asset tokenisation space, having already launched their art tokenisation platform and having tokenised and successfully sold their first artwork worth USD 5.6 million, Maecenas will also integrate Binance's native token (BNB) into its own ecosystem.

Marcelo Garcia-Casil, Maecenas CEO, said "We are thrilled to be joining in Binance Chain. As early adopters of their BEP-2 protocol, we look forward to continuing supporting each other in future endeavours."

If the listing proposal for the DEX is accepted by Binance's community, ART token holders will be one of the first to experience an exchange of the level Binance is known for, all whilst maintaining control of their own funds.

About Binance Chain

Binance Chain is a blockchain software system developed by Binance and the community. Binance Chain is a community-driven development project with many developers and contributors from all over the world. Binance DEX is the decentralized exchange feature developed on top of the Binance Chain blockchain. 


About Maecenas

Maecenas is a decentralised art gallery auction market, aimed to democratise access to fine art. It is a blockchain-driven platform where fractionalized pieces of fine art are bought and sold. Maecenas uses blockchain technology to create tamper-proof digital certificates linked to pieces of art.

After launching its beta platform in June, Maecenas has successfully tokenised a $5.6m painting by Andy Warhol, which was acquired by a number of different investors who participated in the first-ever decentralised Dutch auction for an art run on the Ethereum network.



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